Dont you ever feel like everything and everyone is against you? that what ever you do.. or say that nothin will chance or have an ever lasting efect? you just try and try and jus keep holding on hoping that one day all good all that you pushed and strived for would of been for a reason.. and would of meant something, but instead that person just decides to ignore whats in front of them.. blinded by rage and disapointment they just keep on ignoring keep on kicking, even worse is when they start making up insanse storys like they are true in way.. for instance, acusing me of constantly going out to night clubs and chasing skirts, this has become rotine actions and it hurts to be judged in this manner, its not fair, its not just, i know i was an asshole many times but that is not excuse to be fasly acusing someone when they dont even knbow what the truth is.. and the truth is that i hardly ever go out, and there are plently of people who will vouch for me on this one.. chasing skirts?! never such thing has occured scince the break up, ive always been a faithfull man, and to my beliefs i aint no saint.. but dont be calling me the devil when you simply dont have the facts.. and i am not making any of this up, i aint a bullshitter, i just want to be respected.. i want to be belived and trusted in.. deep down this is really painful, sometimes i may not show it.. just because i dont say anything or react a certin way, dosnt mean that i dont feel, that i aint burning inside.. the walls are caving in and its dark.. i still like you alot, even more than you may think.. sometime just gotta stiffen up the lip, you simply just cant talk that way and get away with it.. that was childish manners the other day, but.. whatever..
thats just my two cents
peeeeeeeeeeace outta here!!!!!!!!!
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