its the end of the world as we know it.. and i aint particualry in the best of days.. or weeks, in fact months.. ive been and was a dickhead and now all is comming back to kick me in the balls, even worse feels like a freight train has hit me head on, i dont blame them, ive brought this upon myself and now i must live with the consequences, this was my own fault, but even so, not all is how they say and speak.. i deeply regret most of it all and i vow to never do such havoc again, i do not wish to hurt her in this manner, im proberly hurtin more than you all may think, it aint easy, stiff shit i did the works, i made the bed, now i must lay down on it, and i will..
painful mistakes,
pain is such a sudden rush it starts to be an everyday circumstance..
givin the chance i would take it all back and show that i am not that man..
heart shattered in two, but you know how i feel about you..
still that is no excuse for the lies and betrayal, that was childish..
the colour has been sweapt away replaced by deep thoughts and pain..
it just gets harder and harder, im spose to be getting smarter..
i have learnt with my mistakes, i pledged to myself never again..
unshackle me from theses chains, will i ever smile with you again?..
Im sorry
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