Sera que estamos a caminhar para a extinção de todos nos em planeta Terra?.. um cenário do género 2012?
Temperatures might rise rapidly, melting the ice caps turning our planet’s climate into something comparable to that of Venus’. We all know about globalwarming; for the past 10 years you haven’t been able to open a newspaper without reading something about it. But The Runaway Greenhouse Effect is basically what will happen if we reach that point of no return. As temperatures rise water evaporates, which makes the atmosphere thicker, which in turn traps in more heat, which causes more water to evaporate – a chain reaction. It will really become similar to Venus’ atmosphere, because that is exactly what is happening there.The atmosphere is so thick that solar heat never escapes so it just keeps getting hotter. And there is nothing to stop it. Just like there will be nothing stop it here on Earth.
The threshold could happen as soon as 2015. The polar ice caps hold trillions of tons of C02, trapped in tiny bubbles of ancient air. If this is released then it could literally breakthe atmosphere . It could cause the initial rapid temperature rise and start the water vapor reaction. We could possibly be heading for a world where tin and lead would melt instantly in our atmosphere. When all the water is trapped as an evaporate, it is too hot to support 99% of all life, and we humans can do nothing to stop it.